Hiring a web designer is the first step to building a website, but it’s not the last. If you want your site to be optimised for Google search results, be easy for visitors to navigate, and stay secure from hackers, then you’ll need to invest in a care plan. But what if you don’t have money set aside? Let’s find out how to choose the best care plan for your budget and needs!
Why should you invest in a website care plan?
The most obvious reason to invest in a website care plan is that it gives you access to experts who can help keep your site up-to-date and running smoothly. If you’re not a web developer or designer yourself, there are plenty of other things on your plate. Who has time to keep up with all the latest site management practices?
If you have a small business website, odds are good that it will only grow as time goes by. With so much content on your site and so many people looking at it every day, there’s no doubt that some issues could arise—and as a result, some headaches too!
A detailed website care plan also includes security monitoring services to help ensure that hackers don’t break into your site or steal sensitive information from visitors’ computers if they visit while logged into their accounts (yikes!). The team at Digital Third Coast will conduct regular audits of the servers behind each client’s website to discover any vulnerabilities before they become major problems.
Figure out what you need
There are a lot of different website care plans out there. How do you know which one is right for you and your website? First, you need to take a step back and figure out what exactly you need from a website care plan. Do you need someone to manage your website for you? Do you need someone to help you with updates and security? Do you need someone to help you with design changes? Once you know what you need, you can start looking for a website care plan that meets those needs.
Compare plans
Once you know what you need from a website care plan, you can start comparing different plans. There are a lot of factors to consider when comparing plans, such as price, features, and services included. Take your time to look at all the different options and find the one that’s right for you!
Carefully estimate the size of your website
The next step is to accurately estimate the size of your website. This will help you understand how much bandwidth and storage space you need, which in turn will help you find a care plan that fits your budget. To get an accurate estimate of your website’s size, add up the file sizes of all the pages on your
site, including images, videos, and audio files. Then, add up the file sizes of all the databases and applications on your site. Finally, add 20% to your total to account for future growth. For example, if your website is currently 500 MB, you would need a care plan that provides at least 600 MB of bandwidth and storage space.
Understand how active your site is
The next step is to understand how active your website is. This will help you determine how much traffic you need and what kind of features you need from your website care plan. There are three main types of activity on websites:
– Low: Low activity websites receive less than 5,000 pageviews per month.
– Medium: Medium activity websites receive between 5,000 and 500,000 pageviews per month.
– High: High activity websites receive more than 500,000 pageviews per month.
If you’re not sure how much traffic your website gets, you can check your Google Analytics account to find out.
Invest in the right website care plan to keep your website safe, smooth and sales-optimised
In the end, a website care plan is an investment that will pay off. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it can also lead to more business by improving your website’s performance and reliability. And, as your business grows, you can always upgrade your plan to get more features and support.
Here at Gherkin Media, we’re passionate about helping businesses grow online. We offer a range of website care plans, from basic support to comprehensive management. Contact us today to find out more!